
for VICTIMS AND survivors of crime

You Do Not Have to Navigate This Alone



Being the victim or survivor of a crime can have a devastating impact on many areas in one’s life. Each victimization has its own tale of loss: the loss of a loved one, the loss of property, the loss of a sense of security, the loss of control over one’s life, the loss of trust, and more.

The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office Victim Services Unit provides services to crime victims and witnesses involved in the criminal justice process.

If you would like notifications about an in-custody defendant, sign up for VINE at the link below. 

services we offer TO victims and survivors of crimes

Help with applying for compensation from the New York State Crime Victims Board for expenses such as lost income, medical bills, funeral costs, and property damage.

Information on your role in the criminal justice system and significant stages of the process.

Help with security measures to protect your safety.

Help with the return of personal property.

Support wih court dates, case information, and court accompaniment during hearings or trials.

Assistance in resolving financial and employment issues resulting from victimization.

Direct connections to services that may help during recovery.

Help with preparing a Victim Impact Statement, speaking at sentencing, and receiving notifications regarding parole or release.


request assistance

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New York State Court Calendar

To look up a defendant’s next court date, the judge handling the case, and what the case is on for, please visit the link below.