During his long career as a prosecutor, DA Tierney has received numerous awards including:
• Federal Law Enforcement Association’s “Prosecutor of the Year” for the successful prosecution of over twenty MS-13 members in United States v. Alvarenga, et al., November 2016.
• FBI Long Island Gang Task Force “Meritorious Service Award” for successful prosecution and support of the FBI’s mission to combat, disrupt, and dismantle the MS-13 gang, March 2015.
• Federal Law Enforcement Association’s “Prosecutor of the Year” for successful trial prosecution of several MS-13 members in United States v. Geovany Prado, et al., November 2014.
• Federal Agent’s “True American Hero Award” for successful trial prosecution of Colombian Norte Valle Boss in United States v. Carlos Arturo Patiño Restrepo, March 2011.
• Southampton Town Police Department’s “Full Court Press Prosecution Award” for successful prosecution in United States v. Manning, Coffey, Johnson, Hopson, and Gilliam, September 2010.
• Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office’s “Distinguished Trial Advocacy Award” for successful trial prosecution in People v. Austin Offen and Constantine Chronis, July 1999.